A clear summer sky spreads over the Hoshinomiya Girls’ High School. This story begins with the belated start of school life for Hinako Shirai, who has just recovered from a leg injury due to a tragic accident. The magical sisters Yuzu and Lime bestowed to her a special power to become a “Reflector”. Hinako transforms […]
(Note: This game is a direct continuation of the story of Crimson Gray.) Lizzie has it all: a loving boyfriend, a beautiful collection of knives, and an intense desire to murder. She’s escaped the conspiracy that forced her to kill in self-defense, but now she needs to adjust to normal college life. All Lizzie wants is […]
There never quite seem to be enough bunny girls in the world, so here is another for you aficionados out there. This 2D sidescrolling exploration platformer follows the adventure of Erina, whose humdrum life as a regular rabbit is turned upside-down when she finds herself in an unknown world and turned into a human (with […]
Riddle Joker is a Japanese-style visual novel produced by Yuzusoft, a Japanese developer of romance VNs. The game won numerous awards on the year of its release in Japan for its art, music, and characters. For decades, superpowers and psychic abilities were thought to be mere science fiction, but the discovery of a certain particle […]
The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and so it is with the lives of young shinobi. Death comes swiftly — for the lucky ones — and for those still living, grief is a constant companion. Ryōbi and Ryōna, two shinobi sisters of the Hebijo Clandestine Girls’ Academy elite, know that […]
Hoshina Shuuji has a secret: He has a mysterious power that allows him to perceive the emotions of others. However, he is soon to find out that he is not the only one who has something he doesn’t want others to find out about as Ayachi Nene, a classmate, likewise has a secret. Bonding over […]
You awaken in a decrepit old mansion. A woman with eyes of jade stands before You, informing You that You are the Master of the house, and she Your Maid. However, You have no memories, no concept of self—or, indeed, any certainty that You are even alive. The Maid invites You to join her on […]
Muv-Luv Alternative is a direct sequel to Muv-Luv Unlimited, and is the grand finale of the Muv-Luv trilogy. This page contains spoilers to the first game, so if this is your first time hearing about Muv-Luv series, we recommend playing Muv-Luv first. This is it. The chips are down, the die’s been cast, and the fate of the […]
“Yukikoi Melt” is a visual novel about a young man’s life in the Winter Country, featuring the characteristically cute art of nanaca mai, the main illustrator for Corona Blossom and the SD artwork in the Grisaia series. Miharu, a winter hater, and the girls of the Winter Club find their lives intertwined when he moves […]
John is a young man suffering from severe depression. As he loses his sense of purpose in life, he begins to see the world in unfocused gray. Just when he begins to lose all hope, John meets a girl… a very special girl. Though Lizzie appears affectionate and devoted, it quickly becomes clear that she’s […]