“FAIRY TAIL 2” is a new RPG based on the popular magical combat fantasy manga and anime series “FAIRY TAIL,” whose story is beloved by fans around the world, with the original manga selling more than 72 million copies worldwide. This sequel to the game “FAIRY TAIL,” released in July 2020, depicts the “Alvarez Empire […]
What does “youth” mean to you? Is it a time in your life meant for having fun? For devoting yourself to a cause? For Yuu Tono, it’s meant earning money and studying to build a brighter future for him and his family. But maybe the new (or maybe old?) friend who’s come into his life […]
“Kimi ga Nozomu Eien” (The Eternity You Desire) comes to Steam in an enhanced edition! First released in 2001, “Kimi ga Nozomu Eien” quickly became a cornerstone of the visual novel genre, influencing countless stories that followed. Now, everyone can experience this incredible story in English for the first time. Narumi Takayuki is a young […]
In School Days you take the role of Makoto, a student at Sakakino Academy. Like any young man, you have your eye on the girls around you with thoughts of more than just friendship, and when your classmate Sekai offers to introduce you to that cute girl you see on the train every morning, you […]
The Vampires Yuna and Shizuha come to the island city of Chisakura hoping to find refuge from the relentless pursuit of Vampire Hunters. However, it turns out that the Hunters are already lying in wait for them. Will the Vampire duo escape the Hunters’ trap and live to see tomorrow, or will they meet a […]
When he came to, he found himself in a white room that he didn’t recognize… Takatou Keisuke was locked in a white, closed room with six other women: his childhood friend Hokari Kanae, class rep. Andou Miyako, junior Makiba Rika, English teacher Aoi Natsuki, same-year student Byakuya Rinne, and classmate Manaka Nemu. All of them […]
Slow Damage tells the story of Towa, a hedonistic artist living in a yakuza-controlled city of the near future. Intent on painting people’s darkest desires, Towa seeks out extreme sensation and seedy underworld connections. But in exposing the truths of those around him, Towa may have uncovered more than he bargained for. With stylish art, […]
The story begins with Mutsura Yuuto accompanying his friend on a holiday to Aqua Eden, an artificial island city where gambling and the sex industry are legal. However, his holiday plans are laid to waste after he gets involved in a kidnapping; to make matters worse, he ends up getting turned into a vampire. As […]
Re:connect’s features extended scenes which include plot details and character expansions, as well as the aftermath of each ending and cliffhangers from the previous game. Re:connect starts with an 8-bit version of Aoba in a room similar to Captive Princess, with various options that you can click to open up menus and routes. The room […]
On Miyajima Island, known for its mythical history, a phantom thief has arrived. Ura, known throughout the world as a cunning trickster, has his name tarnished by an unknown foe masquerading as him. But on this island reside the Three Great families, descended from some of legend’s most storied heroes; Momotarou, Kintaro, and Otohime. These […]